Oh so smitten

I’m horrible at this writing thing. Time and time again I tell myself that I’m going to sit down and do it, just make a plan. 30 minutes a day, 10, 5, anything at all really! But no, I’ve been lazy, or busy, caught up in two jobs and studying and wishing that I could just have a break. None of that matters, because I’m writing now. I’ve had about a million ideas, but this one seemed really peachy, easy enough and brought on by genuine excitement (unlike most of my topic ideas that are brought on by rage). Quite often I find myself blurting out to a friend, family member, or the universe (on twitter) that I’m “smitten” with some person, place, or thing. More often than not it’s a book. It’s also been a podcast (The Whorecast), a song (1990’s Remix by Nova Rockafeller), and a skirt (worn by a woman I’m perpetually smitten over, Mindy Kaling). So, I thought, why not? Why not start a series of things I’m completely smitten over? 

Up first: Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay

I first heard about Bad Feminist a few months ago via twitter, and I didn’t so much hear about it as I saw the title floating around a few of my friend’s tweets. I’m sad to say it took me this long to pick it up. I’m not quite sure what I expected. I’m not usually one for short stories or essays; and the thought of a book of essays about a “bad feminist” made my stomach churn and my brain do flips. Don’t we already label enough people with title of “bad feminist”? It’s constantly in the tabloids, this female celebrity or that calling themselves a feminist before doing xyz thing that the public (aka: person writing the piece) doesn’t agree with. Did we really need one more thing calling out what it means to be a feminist? 

But I was wrong. 

I was wrong on so many levels that I feel the need to apologize right now. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not reading up on this book, for not picking it up sooner, for not giving it the time or at least thinking that not everyone is quick to point out the flaws that make someone a “bad feminist.” I was wrong in assuming that this book wasn’t powerful and honest, that this book didn’t embrace the flaws that make us human and feminists. 

Now, I’m going to admit that I’m only about 25 percent finished with this book (at least, that’s what my kindle says), but who cares. So far it’s made me laugh, made me think, turned me on to new books, new ideas, new people. It’s made me proud to be called a feminist with flaws, a bad feminist if you will. 

I’d never heard of Roxane Gay before today, but it continues to amaze me how often I find myself nodding along to her words. I can’t speak highly enough about this book, and I’m sure that the next few chapters will not disappoint. 

I’m incredibly smitten with  Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay!

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The wonderful people over at Recovering From Religion are raising money for a professional video of the upcoming debate, “Is It Reasonable To Believe In God?” (Featuring Matt Dillahunty of The Atheist Experience and Sye Ten Bruggencate.) The debate will take place in Memphis, TN, on Saturday May 31st. If you’d like to attend, please visit the event page for more information.

Recovering From Religion is asking for any small donation possible, which will assist with the costs of travel, equipment, and post-production of the final video – to be produced by Seth Andrews of The Thinking Atheist.

All donations are tax deductible




Coming Out Atheist

As someone who is only partially out as an atheist, I read Greta Christina’s new book, “Coming Out Atheist,” with a purpose. (Side note: I’m one of those wonderful humans who write in margins, highlight entire pages, dog-ears corners, and can’t stop talking about whatever book I’m currently reading.) I’m not embarrassed to say that I tackled the book in two days, lent it to a friend, and plan to read it again as soon as I get it back. There was so much of the book that I was excited to get through, that I feel I might benefit from taking my time to go back through each section. I’ve since read Greta’s “Why Are You Atheists So Angry?” and think I left more of the pages highlighted than not.

“Coming Out Atheist” is an invaluable tool for all atheists, out or not. It’s not simply a manual, but a collection of ideas, support, and stories. It takes you through each process, never assuming that coming out is the same for any two people. The book gives strong support for coming out, but cautions and supports those who are unable to come out due to safety concerns, financial issues, or the potentiality to negatively impact a persons life. As a person who is not actually “out” in her family, it gave me a lot of hope in starting that conversation and encouraged me with the idea of being able to control how my conversation is shaped. 

I hope that those of you who aren’t out (or even if you are) are able to pick up the book. I’d love to have a conversation about how others have come out to family, friends, co-workers, communities, etc, and how it’s impacted your life. Hopefully, in the future, I’ll be able to share more of my coming out stories with you all.


“Coming Out Atheist” ordering info

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Freedom Growing For Sex Workers Around the World… Not So Much In the U.S.

Freedom Growing For Sex Workers Around the World… Not So Much In the U.S.

Just to add an anecdote to this particular story, I recently had a supervisor refer to all sex workers as “prostitutes” and have extreme difficulty understanding how “prostitutes” can be raped. (Note: She also referred to “prostitutes” as “criminals.”) This lead to a very frustrating conversation, at a time where we should have been focused on another topic, to discuss sex workers rights, and the right for ALL people to be safe from rape. The lack of knowledge around sex work and the lack of support for those engaged in the sex worker field is troubling in the least and extremely dangerous, especially when we dehumanize sex workers. Where is the movement in the US? Where is the movement to educate and protect all people? As someone who is not engaged in sex work, I understand that I have limited insight into the field, but I am always willing to speak up, to educate myself, and to be respectful.  This is the least I can do, this is the first step in, what is sure to be, a fight for basic human rights, equal protection, and support.


For Years, Minister Raped Young Teens With Parents’ Tacit Approval; Manhunt Underway

For Years, Minister Raped Young Teens With Parents’ Tacit Approval; Manhunt Underway

Every time someone tries to tell me about the good things religion does, I want to point them to an article like this (and there are many to choose from). Religion is evil! Religion beats, shames, stones, casts away, rapes, murders, and abuses. Religion not only does these things but attempts to justify thrm, according to the holy books these vile actions are necessary, warranted, and demanded! Religion does no good.



Iowa Governor Signs Proclamation Inviting All Iowans to Turn from Their Wicked Ways and Embrace Christianity

Iowa Governor Signs Proclamation Inviting All Iowans to Turn from Their Wicked Ways and Embrace Christianity

Sometimes I find myself baffled by the idiocy and audacity of people in power to disregard the basic human rights of their constituents. If a political leader chooses to believe in the garbage spouted by a religion, thats one thing; but blatant disregard of basic rights is another. How can you trust your political leaders if they ignore YOU as a person? How can you trust your political leaders when they force their own beliefs into your face while denying the beliefs and rights of others? This is an ongoing and seemingly increasing issue in our country. Why do those with power (see: white men) believe that the way they think, act, feel is representative everyone else?


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